
Walker Texas Ranger Komplette Serie Deutsch

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  • Ended
  • CBS
  • 1993-04-22T02:00:00Z
  • 43thousand
  • vid sixh 52m (202 episodes)
  • Paul Haggis + 1 more, Albert Southward. Ruby
  • U.s.
  • English
  • Drama, Action, Run a risk


Modern-day Texas Ranger, Cordell Walker's independent crime-solving methods take their roots in the rugged traditions of the Old West. Walker's closest friend is quondam Ranger, C.D. Parker, who retired subsequently a articulatio genus injury, and at present owns "C.D.'s," a Land/Western saloon/restaurant. Rookie Ranger, James "Jimmy" Trivette is an ex-football actor who bases his criminal offense-solving methods on reason and uses computers and cellular phones. Alex Cahill is the Assistant DA who shares a mutual allure with Walker, simply often disagrees with his unorthodox approach to law enforcement.



203 episodes

During a bank robbery in Dallas, Walker'southward partner is killed. Trying to solve this case, Walker finds out that this raid could have been merely a test for a much bigger goal: simultaneously robbing iv banks lying next to each other. No one believes him. After a bomb explodes in a far away banking concern, which has just gotten a valuable load, everyone goes at that place. When the bodily raid starts Walker must face the gang lonely.

Walker must help Alex when she is stalked past an ex-captive whom she convicted dorsum in the day.

When a powerful Japanese Yazuka is killed by Congressman Cabe's banana, the Yazuka come to America, seeking revenge, and Walker and Trivette are assigned to protect the congressman.

2x01 Bounty

  • Season Premiere

    1994-09-26T02:00:00Z — 46 mins

After he robbed a bank Roy accidentally gets arrested because of a minor offense, but has to be freed subsequently a curt time. Walker and Trivette stay close on his heels but they are not the only ones. The bounty hunter Maxwell is as well behind Roy. When Roy is (unprovable) killed by Maxwell, Walker and Trivette follow Maxwell, who is at present behind Roy's partner Ned - who has the stolen coin - and doesn't end at nothing to go the money.

Trivette goes surreptitious into jail to infiltrate and destroy a drug ring. During a hurricane the transport crashes; the prisoners can escape and are hiding with hostages in a remote hotel. Amid the fugitives: Trivette. When the transport is overdue Walker starts searching and lands up in the hotel where he goes for the prisoners i by one with the assistance of a handicapped person. Walker and his team investigate a possible link betwixt an illegal cattle-rustling operation and the

A drastic human named Hank Berigan asks Alex for help in persuading his daughter, Amy, to exit the cult that she has joined. When Alex goes to the cult, she is imprisoned within, realizing that once someone enters the cult, they are never allowed to leave.

Walker receives a plea for help when a woman named Frances tells him how her husband, Billy, never returned dwelling house last night. Upon meeting Billy's probation officer, a man by the name of David Kilmer, Walker suspects something is very wrong.

Walker and Trivette are assigned to escort True cat, a woman who is to show confronting a gang leader, Trigger James, safely to her destination. Notwithstanding, the group is seperated, and by the time Trivette and Cat reach said destination, they've got a nasty surprise awaiting them...

Walker is not able to arrest Mick Flanders because his sis is in the Witness Protection Program. Mick, proving that he's invincible, kidnaps a male child named Archie who was staying at Walker'south ranch.

Walker investigates the murder of a veterinary who was trying the detect the crusade of decease of several unusual brute deaths.

A Texas Ranger wannabe tries to upstage Walker by capturing prison escapees, buts gets innocent civilians in harm's manner as well.

Walker must find a mode to prove a condemned man'southward guilty plea was the result of blackmail before he'due south executed.

To become information on a gang who destroyed a friend's life via blackmail, Walker and Trivette bring together by posing as street fighters.

Walker's cousin, David Piffling Hawkeye Jackson, returns to the reservation following studying medicine to detect many do not like him, including his girlfriend's begetter, whose murder he shortly witnesses.

Walker and Trivette come up close to acumen the leader of a drug band they've put out of business. Alex gets involved in the instance of a student's rape.

Walker and Trivette come shut to apprehending the leader of a drug ring they've put out of business. Alex gets involved in the instance of a educatee's rape.

Though they've no jurisdiction there, Walker and Trivette go to Mexico to help Walker's former partner escape from Mexican criminals.

Country-vocalist Merrilee needs Walker'southward protection from her estranged ex husband who's threatening her.

Walker soul searches later on he nigh causes a young male child's decease during a hostage state of affairs.

Walker goes hush-hush to foil a small-scale town's local officials, who've been taking the police into their own hands past killing the boondocks's criminals.

Using a psychic to help locate a kidnapped eight-twelvemonth-old earns Trivette ridicule from his fellow rangers.

While transporting a condemned man from Ohio to Texas, his friends skyjack the aeroplane and subdue Walker and Trivette, who must detect a fashion to prevent his escape.

Walker and Trivette go hugger-mugger to find out what happened to Walker's friend, a victim of a hijacking.

C.D. must rescue Walker and Trivette after they get trapped in Texas' backlands while tracking brothers.

Walker and Trivette go aid from a legendary Texas Ranger, back to seek justice for his murdered son, to help rail down an assassin with a senator in his sights.

Walker and Trivette become help from a legendary Texas Ranger, back to seek justice for his murdered son, to assist rail downwards an assassin with a senator in his sights.

A immature mother's baby daughter is stolen from her and illegally adopted by a rich couple who need a kid to secure their political ambitions. It is upwards to Walker to return the daughter to the rightful mother's arms, but Laurie (The young mom) withdraws consent later the shady adoption agent threatens the infant.

Walker and Trivette set to prove that race was an illegal main factor in an abort.

The death of a government inspector seems to be linked to a cattle rustling operation that always manages to avoid the police force.

When a new designer drug chosen "silk" results in several fatalities, Walker and Trivette must infiltrate the local order scene to find the source of the deadly substance.

Walker finds himself fighting for his life after he attempts to rescue a group of federally protected mustang horses from some unsavory ranchers.

When a striking-and-run blow pushes a vehicle to the edge of a bridge with an infant trapped inside, Walker will do whatever information technology takes to salvage the child - even if it ways putting his own life in grave danger.

Although Principal 6 Feathers' death is at first deemed an accident, his son immediately suspects foul play and enlists Walker and Trivette to help him track down whatever - or whoever - actually killed his father.

While on a fishing vacation together, C.D., Trivette, and Walker reel in more they bargained for when they accidentally uncover an elusive and illegal drug operation.

While on a line-fishing holiday together, C.D., Trivette, and Walker reel in more than than they bargained for when they accidentally uncover an elusive and illegal drug performance.

Alex finds her life in imminent danger when she uncovers a group of Dallas constabulary officers who have been involved in a corrupt drug band.

After killing a man involved in a carjacking, Walker becomes the target of several assassination attempts. These attempts begin to make sense when he learns that someone has put a $1 1000000 bounty on his head.

The Japanese mob is kicking up some trouble in Houston. Unfortunately for them, they decide to kidnap the incorrect kid. The beautiful trivial girl of a wealthy Texas power broker is home from a boarding school for some R&R and a picayune rodeo fun, when - on the drive abode from the airport - she's violently snatched from her limo and ii bodyguards. During the girl's previous year at the rodeo, she became one of Ranger Walker's many little buddies and proteges. So the bad guys have no thought what kind of bad news they've brought to themselves!

When authorities discover a local bingo gambling hall is really a forepart for a drug-money laundering operation, Walker and his team are assigned the daunting job of protecting the cops' star witness - a witness who volition do just about anything to escape.

The thrill of working on the gear up of a Hollywood western quickly turns into serious concern when Walker and Trivette discover a group of stuntmen on the shoot plan to carry out an bodily train heist.

Walker and his team accept on a group of troubled, wealthy teens who believe the but way to clean up the neighborhood slums is to impale off the homeless population.

Walker and Trivette must salve Alex, who is kidnapped by career criminal Victor LaRue (Wayne Pére).

A serial of high-profile robberies puzzle the Rangers, but when one results in the death of Walker's friend, it becomes a personal crusade.

A serial of high-contour robberies puzzle the Rangers, simply when one results in the death of Walker's friend, information technology becomes a personal cause.

Walker must articulate the proper noun of Trivette, who's been accused in the disappearance of $5 million in apocryphal coin.

A guess has a meeting with Alex and Walker where he has discovered something interesting, but just before he can tell them, a helicopter comes in and the human being inside kills the judge. Fortunately Walker jumps into the helicopter and pulls the killer out with him. The killer, whose proper name is Sonny, reveals that a prominent businessman named DL Dade ordered the hitting and too reveals that he is an underworld effigy. With Sonny'southward assist, Walker and Trivette begin to have down Dade's illegal operations but information technology notwithstanding doesn't get anywhere because there is no style to connect these operations to Dade, and the men they arrested refuse to talk. Afterwards at the safehouse, Sonny is watching an adult video and reveals to Alex that at one time Dade was in the adult video concern and in that location was this one daughter named Candy Delight who was the star. But later on Alex leaves, a helicopter with one of Dade'south men armed with a rocket launcher kills Sonny and the guards watching him. CD wonders how they institute Sonny

Cherokee youths are stealing artifacts from a museum, claiming they were taken from their bequeathed burying grounds.

Walker seeks to disprove 40 years of UFO sightings in a small, Texas town, while also trying to observe the missing begetter of a young daughter.

Walker pursues a grouping of killers seeking the lost treasures of Hayes Cooper, a Wild Westward Texas Ranger. Parts of the episode are "flashbacks" to Hayes Cooper, who with Lockett (played past Trivette/Gilyard), is pursuing a group of killers.

After surviving a rattlesnake attack, Walker (with Trivette) continues his pursuit of the killers who uncovered "Cooper's Gilt."

Walker (with the aid of a jet pack) and Trivette protect a Mexican Presidential candidate from an assassin.

Walker (with the aid of a jet pack) and Trivette protect a Mexican Presidential candidate from an assassin.

An escaped prisoner goes on a spree, killing people who helped put him abroad--a list of people that includes Walker.

Walker poses equally a cocaine dealer to help break up a drug trafficking operation.

Walker must terminate eco-terrorists out to destroy an oil rig.

Walker must come to the rescue when C.D.'s niece is kidnapped past her ex-boyfriend and forced to keep a spree of depository financial institution robberies.

Walker and Trivette investigate the death of a high school football game coach.

A malevolent medicine homo resurrects after desecration of his burial basis.

For years Walker has believed that the homo who murdered his parents at a carnival in the sixties was dead, only after visiting with 1 of them men who had attacked them that night, Walker realises that his parents' killer has been living the life of Riley for the past few years, and he needs the help of an old cowboy who witnessed the offense to track him down.

Walker protects a mentally disabled male child, defendant of killing a lady, from being lynched by his community.

Alex and Walker's whitewater rafting trip becomes a working vacation when ane of the rafters is murdered.

Alex and Walker'south whitewater rafting trip becomes a working vacation when i of the rafters is murdered.

Feuding gangs divide a neighborhood at Christmas.

Walker and Trivette must protect the last surviving witness for a mob trial, who turns out to be an ex-boyfriend of Alex.

Some Irish militants are trying to kill a peacemaker.

Undercover in a prison, Walker is left alone when the corrupt warden discovers Trivette and removes him.

Victor LaRue having been released from prison past the parole board because of good behavior,seeks to take revenge on Alex Cahill,and Walker.

Alex'due south effort to assistance the victom of spousal corruption gets complicated when the victim's husband is released from jail.

Walker poses as a peasant to rail slave-labor smugglers in Mexico.

Walker poses as a peasant to track slave-labor smugglers in Mexico.

The brother of an illegal artillery dealer killed by Walker gets revenge by making him fight deadly martial artists.

Trivette tries to impress the reporterette following him around for the ""Backside the Badge"" television show, but all the activeness is going on with Walker.

A blow to the head leaves Walker with amnesia during an undercover operation to uncover money laundering at a casino.

The existence of the Texas Rangers is threatened past budget cuts.

Walker and his friends are on a fishing trip in the wilderness in a motel run past Hank Cotton an old friend of Walker and CD. Meanwhile a group of Drug Runners ran past Glen Larkin and his younger brother Chip lay seige to this identify and when they find an elderly couple who promise not to ever testify against them. All the same Glen shoots them dead anyway considering no matter what he never leaves behind a witness. Meanwhile Alex is taking a ride with Bobby; Hanks son who is the Park ranger and they see the Larkins choice upward a case of heroin Alex recognizes them and despite her alarm to wait for Walker Bobby knows that they would exist gone by then and orders them with their hands upwardly unaware that one of Larkins men is sneaking up behind Bobby and shoots him. Alex narrowly gets Bobby back to the truck and head back to the lodge with the Larkins closely behind Walker and Trivette hear the gun shots Trivette thinks information technology is hunters just Walker knows that hunters don't utilize Automatic Guns. Once Alex and the

When warehouse robberies get linked to the Russian mob, the Rangers telephone call on the Moscow police for aid.

While attempting to help a small boy trapped underground, Walker finds himself buried live.

A serial killer taunts C.D. as he prepares for induction to the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame.

Walker must fight to protect the reincarnation of a Buddhist monk.

After the leader of a white-supremacist grouping is arrested, they retaliate by taking over a minority-endemic television station.

A expressionless child'due south spirit assists Walker to discover who murdered him eight years ago.

Walker takes on a trio of Vigilante Cops,who decided to take the law into their ain easily.This is specially so,since these Killer Cops have executed a friend of Walkers,who was innocent of rape.

A Cherokee reservation's inhabitants are in danger from risky, experimental practices at a nearby dairy farm.

Alex's estranged father is hired to stand for a crime effigy in a trial she is prosecuting.

A military helicopter with stealth capabilities has been stolen to be utilized past a drug cartel. The thief turns out to exist an ex-Marine and old comrade of Walker's who left him for dead in Vietnam.

Walker searches Dallas nightclubs to seek out who raped a friend'south daughter with the assist of a mickey slipped in her drink.

Walker and Cahill head to the mountains of Utah to track down the crashed remains of a plane that was used during a daring bank robbery in 1988—which resulted in the death of one of Walker's friends—unawares a survior remains and has turned cannibal.

As a cyclone approaches, kidnappers need $10 million for a cached bus full of children.

A homeless man's dog helps Walker track downwardly the source of an set on on a priest. Meanwhile, Alex and C.D. put on a clemency Thanksgiving dinner.

The world'south most mortiferous assassin who has left a trail of blood in history (and may even be involved in the JFK bump-off), The Viper, is in boondocks. Walker is informed and recruited by Interpol Agent Draper who's hunting the Viper at present for nearly 25 years. Since the killer is in town to comport out some other assassination - the target could be the visiting Israeli Ambassador - it's up to Walker to notice and eliminate the Viper earlier he hits one time over again.

Walker tells the story of the Sometime Due west'south Hayes Cooper, a Scrooge-like Texas Ranger who finally learned to have Christmas spirit.

After surviving a plane crash that was supposed to kill him and an important witness, Walker must protect the witness from hit men coming to make certain they're dead.

A troubled teen endangers everybody at Ranger Camp by stealing a coin bag from drug dealers.

Walker clears the proper noun of a young martial artist framed for murder, and then trains him for a kickboxing tournament title.

An abused lady nearly quits becoming a Texas Ranger following threats from her ex-married man.

When a mix of steroids and meth starts killing high schoolers, Walkers seeks the source of the mortiferous combination.

Vince Pike, the man who shot Walker's fiancee ten years earlier, manages to get an early release from prison. For Walker painful memories about the fourth dimension with Ellen return. While he survived an attack by Pike's men back and then, Ellen died. And at present Walker seeks justice - and Freeway a destroyed Walker when he wants to get after the persons in his life. First C.D., and so Trivette, and finally Alex ...

Victor La Rue has been declared fit for trial. During the course of the hearing, La Rue manages to subdue the bailiffs and get their guns. He then demands that Walker come here but Walker is out chasing down some criminals. So while La Rue taunts Alex.

Walker protects a young man who has a jade dragon that a Chinese gang believes has magical ability.

Walker helps a x-yr-old severely wounded in a bulldoze-by to end violence in her community.

Ranger Hunt goes surreptitious to stop a offense dominate from raising his ten-twelvemonth-quondam son to take over the family unit business.

Thunder Malloy, a preacher, who is a friend of Walker's dies and his wife and sons are left to fend for themselves. Trent, the eldest son, who is too a former student of Walker's, who years ago, had a disagreement with his father, when he chose to bring together the Ground forces as oppose to following his begetter's footsteps, decides to go out the Regular army and come home to help his female parent and siblings. Walker tries to get him to maybe be a cop but Trent does not want to carry a gun. For the moment he works as a security baby-sit. Walker is also working a example involving someone who is gunning cops, and information technology seems that ane his targets is Trent's friend Carlos Sandoval.

As Trent tries to help out his family unit, and reconnect with his siblings peculiarly his brother, Tommy, who felt that Trent deserted them. Walker tries to see if at that place is some kind of connection all the cops that were killed. Trivette gets a call from a cop, who has some info he would like to requite him only asks that they run across in his identify, when Trivette goes there, the killer has already killed the cop and shoots Trivette. Carlos was visiting Trent when the killer tries to kill Carlos but Trent saves him. After giving a decription of the man, Carlos thinks that information technology's a Metro cop named Rod Barkley. While Alex checks on him, Walker asks Carlos to explicate who is this guy is and why is he killing all these cops. A few years ago, Carlos, the other cops and Barkley were chasing this motorist who was speeding. When he stopped, Barkley and so proceeded to beat him upwards, eventually the other cops had to pull Barkley off the male child. When all of the other cops stated that there was no reason justifying Bark

Alex'due south electric current case is a retrial of Lane Tillman, a mob boss, who is defended past Tony Seville, who was Alex'southward lover years agone. The adjacent morning Tony is found expressionless at Alex's beside and she is arrested for suspicion of murder. She reveals to Walker that Tony came to her final night with testify that would plow the case effectually before she passed out. Her father Gordon Cahill returns to defend her in court. Alex is put in a womens prison where the convicts want to become revenge against her for putting them in at that place, but she is saved by a adult female named Alfre Grimes who was put in because of a mistake. Meanwhile Walker and Trivette learn from Tony's sis, Mollie, that he had falling out with Tillman, and with Gordon's help they suspect Tillman is backside the murder - because if the prosecuting attorney is having an affair with the defense attorney and the defense attorney ends upwards dead then Lane Tillman would go gratis because there would be no 2nd trial. And then Mollie gets a letter from Tony and

Joey Prado merely graduated from the academy with the best marks since Walker. I of his outset assignments is to become secret as a drug dealer. Along the way, he reunites with his childhood friend Vic Solano.

Belle Starr McClain is an under cover amanuensis working on Jack Garrett. When Garrett learns what she is, he kills her. Walker sends someone to get Garrett to incriminate himself on record and was about to when someone jumps out of nowhere and tries to kill Garrett. Walker stops him. He reveals himself to be J.W. McClain, Belle's brother. J.W.'due south a marine, who has a history of insolence simply considered to be good marine. It seems that Belle sent J.W. some evidence against Garrett earlier he killed her and J.Due west. refuses to turn it over. The human being Walker sent in was existence brought to a condom house when Garrett has him grabbed, and was about to kill him when he told Garrett that J.W. has some bear witness against him, Garrett killed him and order his men to get J.W. and the evidence. Marine Staff Sergeant Parrish comes to bring J.W. and were on their mode when J.W. brother and sister sprung him. They effort to get Garrett simply Garrett just had as well many men and the sis is caught past Walker. Later J.W. and his

Walker gets an ex-convict to impersonate a just-jailed criminal to assistance capture his accomplices.

An AIDS-stricken 7-year-old tries to notice his mother, with Walker'southward aid.

Lucas becomes a crusader in the fight against AIDS.

Trivette is summoned to a nursing home chosen Quiet Rest by an onetime friend, Joshua Lenord. Lenord is a victim of Alzheimer's Disease and wants to prove Trivette a record recording of what'due south been going on at the nursing domicile. Lenord tin't detect the tape and then dies the adjacent twenty-four hour period. It turns out the doctors in charge, Dr. Munroe and Dr. Daniels, are illegally testing drugs on the residents for a cut, including using a drug banned by the FDA. Then based on Trivette's discover of the male nurse's rude behavior, the death charge per unit ratio, and the drugs found from Josh'due south autopsy, CD is sent in hole-and-corner. CD discovers that some other patient, Maisie, is also hush-hush because her all-time friend was sent there and died and she remembered all the stuff her friend told her about the place. With Maisie'southward help she and CD find the drug samples but are defenseless. Luckily, a transmitter subconscious in a Bible alerts Walker and Trivette. Munroe tries to stall them past sending the male nurses later them while she destroys the

Walker tells some children who are touring the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame the story of Hayes Cooper. The story begins in the Quondam West when Cooper, who was then a bounty hunter, went to a town to get his quarry, which he does. A farmer named Wilson has a mortgage due, and a man named Bedoe doesn't want him to meet it because he knows that the railroad's coming, and the Wilson's land is where they will exist going through. Now the banker, who is in his pocket, wants to wait until he forecloses and so that there'll be no hint of venial. Just Bedoe is impatient, so has some of his men rough upwards Wilson. Cooper then helps him. One of Bedoe's men stabs him. The Wilsons offer Cooper a place to stay while he heals. Cooper then helps the Wilsons bring in their cattle but someone lets them out before they could evangelize. The bank's virtually to preclude when Cooper uses the money from apprehending the criminal to pay their mortgage. Bedoe decides to take desperate measures; he hires Rudd Kilgore, a mortiferous g

Cooper sets out to get justice for the Wilsons. He begins by against two of Kilgore's men; they draw on him and he outshoots them. Cooper is about to go out when he is stopped by Texas Ranger Cabe Wallace, who wants to sort out what happened between Cooper and the men he killed. After beingness satisfied that Cooper acted in self-defense, he lets him go simply starting time talks to him about the line betwixt justice and vengeance. He so offers Cooper a Texas Ranger badge, which Cooper accepts. He then goes off to find Kilgore and after finding him, he tried to bring Kilgore in, but Kilgore has too many men and he is shot. He rides out into the desert and is plant by some Indians who nurse him back to health. Back in town Bedoe is going to buy the Wilson country simply Sarah speaks out, and Sheriff backs her, simply Kilgore kills the Sheriff. When Wallace returns he confronts Kilgore who kills him. When Cooper recovers he returns and faces Kilgore and wins. He as well takes out Bedoe. Cooper so decides to

After escaping a research eye, a boy with genius-level IQ gets Walker to assistance him find his mother.

When information technology appears that sending criminals to prison is not working, Walker suggests a new program that targets tardily teens or early 20 yr olds. So Alex presents Walker's proposal to Senator Kay Hutchinson, who thinks that it should be considered only Commissioner Simpson, who thinks that the only solution is to build more than prisons, and is also planning to ask more funds to build more prisons, and knows that Walker'southward proposal will jeopardize that, doesn't support information technology. But the Senator decides to give Walker a chance and assigns deputy Commissioner Luther Dobbs to evaluate it to see if it'southward feasible. So 10 youthful criminals are brought to Military camp JUSTICE, where Walker and Trivette greet with the speech that the have an opportunity to turn their lives around or end up in Huntsville prison. Walker begins by making them run whenever they offset acting up or be insolent. The next solar day Walker gives a speech about making ""smart"" choices. Walker so tries to get them into gardening; one of the boys

James Lee Crown wants to heighten the value of his horse and to practice that he gets someone who works for his competition, to ensure that his equus caballus wins. At a race, the horse of Wes Calhoun, is the one he is worried well-nigh and his man has managed to deliver so far but Calhoun senses that his jockey has been holding dorsum. He tells him that if he continues to practise that, he volition be replaced. Later on he wins, Crown confronts Calhoun and his man, when Calhoun tells him that he wants no office of what he is doing, Crown shoots the both of them and the horse. Walker suspects something when he remembers how Calhoun'southward human looked afterwards they won. He has Trivette look into it while he goes visit his friend, Max Elson. Elson's a former rodeo star who suffered a paralyzing injury. And he is now facing the possibility of losing his ranch unless he tin can come upward with some money - if he could only enter his horse Rainbow's End, in the Texas Derby, and win they might save the ranch. Only offset they demand a sponsor, and so Wa

A female construction worker is in danger after threatening to blow the whistle on unsafe structure practices.

Walker must salvage 2 orphan murder witnesses from being killed themselves before they tin can give testimony.

Walker'south friend, Reservation Police force Chief Sam Coyote has been seeing Nora Shannon, an archaeologist who has been working on the reservation. When he proposes to her she turns him downward and things get a little unpleasant betwixt the ii of them. Now an oil company that knows that at that place'due south oil under the reservation wants to get it before the Indians know virtually it, only problem is that Dr. Shannon site is where the oil is. So the oil company hires one of the men on her coiffure to do what information technology takes to get her to leave. But when that fails, he kills Dr. Shannon and frames Sam. While Walker and his deputy, George don't believe that Sam did it, the killer tells the Feds about Sam and Dr. Shannon, so they are near to abort Sam and take him off the reservation, when Walker instructs George to arrest Sam so that he tin remain on the reservation until they sort it out. When Walker learns about the oil company's application for mineral rights, he and so goes to the human and after talking with him, he kno

Prison escapees take some nuns hostage and make demands, threatening to kill some battered women if they are non met.

C.D. is offered a task as the acting head of security at Golden Wells, a high course resort, replacing the previous man, who but disappeared. C.D. asks the banana security principal Grady what happened to his predecessor. Grady tells him that he had a drinking trouble. C.D. so goes to the Sheriff and asks if it'southward true, who tells him no. C.D. then offers to assistance. What they don't know is that he defenseless Grady doing something without his knowledge, so Grady had him killed. Walker is then instructed by the commissioner, who was instructed by the Governor to become Golden Wells, considering several of the country's wealthiest men will be at that place this weekend for a special function, and he wants Walker to discreetly keep an eye on things. Alex accompanies him as his wife and Trivette pretends to exist a backer. Trivette tells Walker that Grady, C.D.'s banana has a criminal record which somehow was missed when he applied for the task. Grady concerned that C.D.'s getting too nosy instructs one of his

Walker helps a wrestler whose ex-wife is in hiding afterwards witnessing a murder.

Walker and Trivette are chasing some robbers; while Walker goes after two of them, Trivette goes after the third, Kroeger, the leader. Walker manages to grab one of them, Floy. Trivette follows Kroeger to a darkened area. Trivette sees that Kroeger is well-nigh to shoot, so he shoots dorsum but from an awkward position. When he gets up he discovers that he shot a boy. The doctors don't think that it's wise to operate on him right now. Trivette goes earlier a review board, and the man investigating the shooting is Lieutenant Moffett, who has grudge confronting Trivette; it seems that the two of them were competing for the same Texas Ranger post and Trivette got it. Moffett discloses to the review board that he believes that Trivette acted irresponsibly. Walker, while assertive in Trivette, says that he but heard one shot and postulates that Kroeger had a silencer on his gun. Trivette is suspended. He is crucified by the media. And he decides to drown his sorrows in the bottle. When Walker finds h

Carlos is working underground. He is working on a ring of drug dealers, who are led by a human known equally El Vaquero. When he witnesses the number two human being, Johnny Primo kill someone and reports it to Walker, who says that they should have them downward but Carlos wants to get El Vaquero considering he believes that he was the 1 who killed his brother who was a junkie. Johnny has his fingerprints checked out and discovers that he is a cop. They grab Carlos and Johnny demands to know what he has told and when Carlos refuses to say anything Johnny beats him upward. Carlos escapes and is taken in past a homeless human being he met before. Trent and Walker are worried because he was suppose to come up to the Karate tournament that Trent's gym is joining. They try to notice him and the homeless human finds Trent and tells him where Carlos is. But a disgruntled member of the customs, who was thrown out tells Primo's people where Carlos is and they tear the place apart and when they find Carlos, Johnny was nearly to kill h

Trent gains the reputaion of being a defender for abused woman. Maria Mendoza, who is the married woman of drug dealer, Rudy Mendoza, who also beats her. When she sees Trent in the newspaper, she calls him. After meeting him she decides not to seek his help for fear of what her husband might do. But her husband had her followed. Trent goes to Carlos and asks him to check on Maria and her hubby. Carlos gets the info and gives information technology to Carlos. And it's at that very moment that Mendoza's men shoot at them, but miss. Trent and Carlos become Maria away from her husband and bring her to Alex. She then gives them some on her husband'due south activities and Walker busts his operations. Mendoza wanting revenge has his men find Maria and they bring her to him, she finally gets the backbone to stand up to him, and Walker, Trent, and Carlos arrive to save them. Maria decides to leave town and make a fresh kickoff elsewhere.

A geneticist is kidnapped by a grouping wanting to use her research to create a race of genetically superior soldiers.

Angel, Trivette's old girlfriend, comes to boondocks looking for her father and asks for his help. He does and when they finally notice him, she pulls a gun and kills him, she so knocks Trivette out. Trivette investigates the man and learns that he testified against some Jamaican drug dealers. When Affections goes to get her payment, the leader of the Jamaicans orders her killed, but she was ready for them. She eventually goes afterwards them. She eventually makes it to the top man and Trivette is in that location also. When he tries to kill Trivette, she steps in forepart of him and is shot and eventually dies in Trivette's arms.

Roscoe Jones, the (black) minister who succeeded Trent'due south father is beingness targeted by a man named Stan Gorman. It seems that years agone when Roscoe was in the Army, his friend, who is also blackness was the C.O. of a unit of measurement and one of the men in his command's Gorman. Gorman's a bigot, who didn't similar being ordered past a blackness human. Eventually the tension between the ii men reached it'southward breaking signal when Gorman tried to impale Roscoe and his friend, while he killed his friend, Roscoe survived and testified against Gorman, who would be sent to prison. While in prison house Gorman became head of a white supremacy group, and now he is afterwards Roscoe.

Joe Lopez, a safecracker, who has been paroled returns to see his wife, Marta, and his son, Tommy, who are friends of Walker and the gang. While his wife is uncertain of whether or not she wants him back, his son hates him. She offers him a job at her new eating house. At the same time, Walker is working on a series of armed robberies that have been going on. What they don't know is that the robbers are all paroled convicts, who are staying at the same halfway house that Joe is staying in. The leader tries to recruit Joe and he says yes. But he then goes to Walker and tells him. Walker wants to arrest the guy who tried to recruit Joe just Joe asks him to let him endeavor and observe out who the boss is. When the day of the job comes, they manage to elude Walker. And when they go far, Joe learns that the boss is his parole officer, Cadet Coburn, and that they have Tommy there, to brand certain Joe does the job. Walker and Trivette eventually find out where the task is. They make it to finish Coburn, and J

Two fourteen-yr-quondam crack sellers are victims in a turf war involving multiple gangs and centered around a centre school.

What should have been the happiest day of Walker's life chop-chop turned to one marked by tragedy as his darling Alex was targeted and shot by Storm -- a man she put away five years earlier on a hijacking rap. As Alex clings to life in the hospital with C.D. at her side, Walker takes to the streets of Dallas on a mission like no other -- to find the homo who did this and make him pay at any cost. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

Thanks to Walker, a human being who was sent to prison on a simulated accuse is freed, but not before he receives evidence of guard corruption from his cellmate-who's and then fatally stabbed. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

Years ago, Walker put Garrett Stone behind confined and now that he's paroled -- it'south payback fourth dimension. As Garrett and his men pursue a Dallas bank-robbing spree, their getaway car driver is killed in a shoot-out. Trivette trains as a commuter and then infiltrates their organization later arranging the gig through Bob, the possessor of a hip nightclub on the east side. Meanwhile, Alex officially opens the H.O.P.E. Community Center (Help Our People Excel) and Carlos helps a immature troubled male child say ""no"" to gang life. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

Subsequently a young girl dies and other children fall seriously ill, Walker goes to the Cherokee reservation to investigate a mill that may exist illegally dumping toxic chemicals into the reservation's h2o supply. When the Environmental Protection Agency tests the local waters and finds ""admittedly no trace of any toxins,"" Walker'due south suspicions pb him to dig deeper to uncover the real truth behind the manufactory. Although Walker and the Chief of Reservation Police, Sam Coyote (Eloy Casados), try to persuade the enraged Cherokees to await for real proof, they insist on taking matters into their own hands and launch an all-out warrior battle to destroy the factory and its supervisors. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

After a dangerous convict escapes from prison house and begins killing those involved in his incarceration, Walker and Trivette set out to cease his reign of terror before he murders Arthur McSpadden, the judge who presided over his instance. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

A satanic symbol is left at the scenes of child abductions, and it appears the children are marked for cede at midnight on Halloween. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

What was supposed to be a six-24-hour interval camping trip filled with campfires and nature hikes quickly turns into a nightmare for Walker after Alex is kidnapped by the crazy Trammel brothers. Walker, along with his buddies Trent, Carlos and Trivette, immediately follows their trail. When Trivette is buried nether falling boulders, Carlos must pb him to safety and Walker and Trent are forced to go information technology alone. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

As a radical group from the IRA attempts to cease the peace procedure in Belfast, Adam McGuire, raids their condom business firm and kills the leader's younger brother in self-defence. Now the faction vows revenge and orchestrates a plan. When McGuire takes his ailing 12-twelvemonth-old daughter to Dallas for a life- saving os marrow transplant to cure her leukemia, the IRA group is at that place to greet him. They kidnap the daughter and concur her bribe in exchange for a renouncement of the peace agreement. At present Walker must do everything he can to salvage Jennifer McGuire'south life, and to keep the peace. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

Chuck Norris returns to the role of Hayes Cooper, the legendary bounty hunter from the 1800s. In this episode, Hayes battles a gang of outlaws, played past country singers John Anderson, Lee Roy Parnell and Mark Collie, who are terrorizing a Mormon railroad vehicle train. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

Lila McCann, a existent Country music creative person, plays an aspiring i. She is being closely followed past Brad Alt and follows him under the pretense that he will help her launch her career. What she doesn't know is that he is trying to gain control of the heroin industry in Dallas.

A tyrannical minor-town sheriff (Lee Majors) reports a drug-related accident to embrace his murder of a truck driver who refused to smuggle for him.

Carlos' nephew is in problem with the law when a gun is found in his room. The gun was used to kill a cop and hidden at that place by one of his friends.

When Trent is beat up and stabbed, the only witness is a mentally inverse girl. The rangers endeavor to have her ID the assailant.

A principal of a high school has his suspicions almost a teacher who may be involved in the sudden influx of drug usage on campus. They try and bust him merely with disastrous results. Then, the main actually witnesses the commutation betwixt the teacher and student.

There are recent mishaps at a motor speedway. The accidents are prone to a Cherokee squad that turn to Walker for assist. Meanwhile Trent and Carlos are searching for a teenage girl that has gone missing and is thought to take concluded upwards in the easily of a registered sex offender. They end up rescuing her from the pedophiles house and soon find crucial evidence (photographs) to ensure his imprisonment. On their manner to the Ranger Headquarters, they stop to aid this woman with ""machine issues"" and their car, along with the testify are stolen. So now they have all the same another crisis on their hands. Back at the speedway, Walker and Trivette are discovering that the events that have happened to the Team Cherokee are non all accidents and may be acquired by another racing rivalry.

Walker pitches in to race for the Cherokee indian racing team. Meanwhile, Carlos and Trent search for the bear witness lost in their car robbery.

Trivette'due south girlfriend goes missing and her pictures start showing up on the web.

Alex and Trivette reminesce about Walker'south by adventures as they are waiting to be rescued after existence imprisoned by a previous enemy who is out for revenge.

When the rangers arrest Jimmy's blood brother Simon, Jimmy soon finds that his life is in his brother's hands when Simon is told to kill him.

When the death of a friend'south son is ruled an blow, C.D. investigates farther. Meanwhile, Walker and Trivette hunt an escaped prisoner.

A loan shark, who has a minister's son under his thumb, attempts to steal a charitible telethon's proceeds.

Alex seeks to prosecute a gang who terrorizes witnesses with arson, and attempts to murder firefighters responding to their blazes.

A wealthy Dallas family and staff are murdered, then another family unit's daughter is abducted by the aforementioned masked men. This was part of a larger program that was meant to extort millions of dollars from other wealthy families.

In last year'due south season finale, a vicious series killer who ready his sights on wealthy members of Dallas society was successfully apprehended, with Walker, Trivette, Alex and C.D. all risking their lives trying to terminate him. But when Walker and Alex transported crucial evidence for a potential conviction, their aeroplane mysteriously crash landed and trapped them inside. In the new season premiere, the series killer awaits his trial, perilously close to being released from custody and ready to flee the country, as Walker and Alex struggle confronting all odds to go to the court with the critical prove that will convict him. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

Walker and Trivette must stop a group of terrorists from releasing anthrax into the city in 48 hours.

Gage and Sydney have to protect an accountant from his criminal boss then he tin alive to testify.

An indian shaman transports Walker back to the 19th century to preclude a recurrence of a 20th century injustice.

Gage and Sidney must become undercover to salve Gage'due south sis who's gone missing, while Walker and Alex proceed a camping trip.

Country Singers Patsy,and Peggy Lynn are kidnapped by Record Pirates hoping to make a killing off the illegal sale of the Sisters Music.

The deaf daughter of an Elvis impersonator witnesses a murder, necessitating the Rangers' protection until the suspect is apprehended.

Equally the community prepares for the kickoff almanac charity rodeo, Trivette is existence targeted by a vengeful father who believes he killed his son.

Walker goes cloak-and-dagger inside a prison to investigate enforced prize fighting.

Afterward a young boy commits suicide, Walker works to ameliorate conditions at a centre schoolhouse; Sydney goes secret every bit a singer to become shut to a lodge owner.

Afterward an amnesiac finds nerve gas at a genetic research facility, they need Walker'southward protection.

A Santa-suited grouping hits armored cars; a gang steals Christmas donations from a church building where former members now worship.

Temporarily blinded by a bomb, Walker learns to cope while the other Rangers seek out those responsible.

After his daughter is shot in a bank robbery, an old human being goes on a hunt for the shooters forth with Walker.

Afterward a powerful light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is stolen, Walker hunts down the thieves to discover they've later had information technology stolen from them.

Seeking to prove her male parent innocent of murder, a pupil gets Trivette to help. Meanwhile, registering for their hymeneals shows Alex a part of Walker she'd not seen before.

Walker comes dorsum from Los Angeles with Sammo Law to track down a killer.

A diplomat'southward son assaults Gage, merely is protected by diplomatic imunity.

Walker has to cease white supremacists who are out to prevent the racially inclusive Unity Day.

Walker seeks to bring justice to a Vietnamese gang responsible for murdering the son of his former martial arts instructor.

Sydney and Alex are kidnapped by two Mexican brothers that are looking for revenge. Now is up to Trivette, Gage and Walker to salve them. Or will the girls stop up saving them?

Second part of 2 episodes. Sydney and Alex are kidnapped by 2 Mexican brothers that are looking for revenge. Now is upwards to Trivette, Cuff and Walker to save them. Or will the girls stop up saving them?

While on their trip, Walker, Cuff, and Trivette face two deadly situations: a murderous criminal on bail, and a grizzly acquit with a sense of taste for claret.

Episode one of two. Alex and Walker make the proper preparations for their wedding.

Episode two of 2. Alex and Walker make the proper preparations for their wedding.

After Walker and the gang put an cease to a baby kidnapping ring, Walker and Trivette must rescue a group of people including Alex and a young boy who are trapped in a collapsing building.

A rookie officer framed for departmental corruption takes Alex hostage.

Walker investigates the mystery of a statue that appears to cry existent tears. Meanwhile, Gage goes surreptitious to bust the dealers of a designer drug called "white buffalo."

A professional wrestler friend of Trivette's dies, and the Rangers go undercover to investigate the truth virtually his expiry.

At a senator'south behest, Walker must stop a criminal genius who has infiltrated federal police force enforcement reckoner systems.

The Chairman continues to utilize noesis gained from his computer hacking to terrorize federal agents, and manages to keep Walker at bay.

Walker begins making existent progress in ending The Chairman's reign of terror.

In a drastic bid to avoid capture as Walker closes in, The Chairman kidnaps Alex.

Alex discovers an abased infant, and she and Walker become instant parents.

Walker tracks down a hijacked ambulance containing an urgently needed donor liver.

Walker tries to keep a promising young boxer from falling in with the incorrect crowd. Meanwhile, the Rangers seek to end an Ecstasy ring.

Four women escape from a bus taking them to Gaitesville Prison. Two of the women and their boyfriends go back to robbing banks. The other 2 are on the run and end up giving Gage a ride. Alex checks into the instance of one of the women, Laura Pope. It looks like her case was mishandled by her attorney.

To aid finish gang related activites, Walker organizes basketball tournaments amongst a group of interracial kids.

Cooke and Gage become undercover in a nightclub to help the possessor thwart a group of gangsters looking to have buying.

When a lawyer preparing to file a scathing police brutality lawsuit is establish dead, Walker investigates.

The Rangers have six hours to rescue a billionaire's daughter earlier she is killed—alive—over the Net.

Workers at a Medieval-themed eating house moonlight equally fine fine art and jewelry thieves.

While kickboxing friends of Walker's visit, the son of a recently jailed mob boss vows revenge on those who put him in that location--a list that includes Alex.

Sydney and Gage use their undercover skills posing as bikers to infiltrate a meth-making gang. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

When high-tech carjackers wreak havoc in Texas and kill Gage'due south old high school sweetheart, the Rangers make information technology their mission to bring the murderers to justice, while Cuff learns to deal with his disability with the dearest and support of Sydney. (Taken from CBS Homepage)

Walker and the Rangers try to intercept a huge black-market arms deal where ""claret diamonds"" are traded for weapons. At the same time, and outbreak of the Ebola virus threatens Alex. (Taken from the CBS Homepage)

Walker and Alex are so excited about the arrival of their new babe that they start decorating the plant nursery with everything a babe could desire and more. Meanwhile, the Rangers stumble onto a pic fix and go stars for a 24-hour interval, and Walker and Trivette participate in a charity motorcycle ride. (Taken from the CBS Homepage)

In the ii-60 minutes season finale, a notorious gang Walker put abroad returns for brutal revenge. The gang escapes from prison and targets each Ranger. As his closest friends are marked for death, Walker is torn between catching the killers or helping his wife, who is rushed to the hospital when she goes into labor. Meanwhile, Trivette reunites with an one-time flame and prepares to get on one knee and ask for her hand in spousal relationship, and questions are finally answered regarding the infamous Hayes Cooper.

In the two-hour season finale, a notorious gang Walker put away returns for fell revenge. The gang escapes from prison house and targets each Ranger. As his closest friends are marked for expiry, Walker is torn betwixt catching the killers or helping his married woman, who is rushed to the infirmary when she goes into labor. Meanwhile, Trivette reunites with an old flame and prepares to get on one genu and ask for her hand in matrimony, and questions are finally answered regarding the infamous Hayes Cooper.




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